Leaving on a jet plane

So, I may have decided to get a new toy prior to making the trip to Mexico...

A shiny dslr of my own! Naturally, the first thing I did was take a picture of one of the cats. Because cat photos are always a good idea right?

I also got to use it to show what I packed for the trip:

My typical packing method consists of pulling out everything I might want to bring with me, and then thinking about what I actually need and might reasonably use. Between that, the extra charge for checked bags, and my own healthy sense of distrust/ paranoia (I like knowing that my bags make the trip with me), I've gotten much better at packing.

So what did I bring? At last count, 2 skirts, 5 dresses, 4 shirts (I pulled one out post photo), 2 light weight button downs, 3 cardis, 3 pairs of sandals, and 1 bridesmaid dress and flippy floppies ( and one giant sun hat). I didn't do it intentionally, but I'm sort of tickled that everything is in the same general color scheme or neutral.

It's probably still more than I really truly need, but I'm anticipating a couple nice dinners balanced with plenty of time at the beach, so I want to be able to deal with both. In my tote went my new baby, books, and enough layers to deal with whatever weirdness the airplane climate deals me.

I thought I was doing pretty well, until the boy finished pulling clothes, looked at it, and said, I think I can fit this in my backpack, yeah, I'll just take that. Sigh. Look like I still have something to learn about packing light.

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