Sewing projects to-do list

In addition to a couple of skirts that I've made (and proudly showed off here), and a dress that I'm reconstructing (I've worn it out, but it's not totally finished, so I haven't photographed it yet), there are a few ideas that have been running around in my head and doodled in the margins of my seminar notes over the past couple months.  Happily, I've finally picked out fabric for a lot of them and took the time to sketch out a decent version of what I've been thinking about.  One of these might look familiar, one of these is a project for a friend, and one of these I actually made over the weekend, and wore in to lab (and was delighted about it all day).  I know that some of them (all of them) are overly ambitious, especially since I'm not really working from any particular pattern, and I don't have the advantage of having a dressmaker's mannequin, but I'm eager to render my sketches into fabric, and naive enough to try to do it.  So what do you think?  What should I make first?

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